Syria: The Sarajevo of Armageddon?

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Posted by Elana Janson on July 13, 2012 at 05:43:08:

Syria: The Sarajevo of Armageddon?

I would not be fulfilling my Pledge to make known what I know if I do not comment on the current situation in the Middle East and the alignment of the great powers of our time in relation to that circumstance.


According to my understanding of the meaning of the book Revelation a confrontation of nations gathering from the east and from the west cannot be far in the future.


The unrest in Syria is cause for concern for the rebels and the rulers do not seem to be able to come to a lasting agreement in order to bring an end to fighting and deaths.

It is of particular interest with relation to my understanding of the book Revelation that the clashes within Syria relate in part to the drive of the citizens to the establishment of a democratic rule or ‘rule of man’ which I believe is revealed in the understanding of the symbolism of Revelation. Syria, it seems, is part of the final establishment of this rule that would be sought by all nations of the globe (Rev 13:3).


In the context of Israel being at the centre of a final clash in the Middle East (Luke 21:20 and Matthew 24:15) one has to take note of reports at present that Israel is concerned about chemical weapons in Syria or the possibility of a non-conventional attack on Israel. Also talk from Israel that this would have to be ‘pre-empted’ in order to prevent it. Military attacks could lead to a total deterioration of relations and to war. Then there is also the controversy concerning the nuclear capabilities of Iran.

Alignment of nations

At the present time we have an alignment of great nations east –west with regard to the situation in Syria. The situation is delicate and any move could cause greater conflict.

Moscow reacted strongly to the Western position on Syria, saying it could aggravate the situation to the point of war. Russia is fully aware of the grave consequences that could be unleashed by instability in Syria. Moscow urged Syrian opposition groups to unite to find a peaceful solution to the ongoing crisis.


All too well known is the Sarajevo incident that led to the First World War. At that time there was also an alignment of nations and this exacerbated the consequences a relatively isolated incident in Sarajevo into a major clash of the nations of the globe. It seems that the leadership of the nations should step lightly for it is worrying that there is an even greater alignment of nations at the present time and added to this there are the dire issues of the twenty-first century: terrorism, stashes of biological weapons in the wrong hands and nuclear capabilities.

A pre-emptive strike, unwanted intervention or any ‘first move’ or ‘incident’ could result in a massive tragedy. Of a kind that God would have to intervene? Armageddon?

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